Finance Seminars

Fall 2025 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 215, from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Presenter
Friday, October 17 Dragon Tang

The University of Hong Kong

Spring 2025 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 215, from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Presenter
Friday, February 7 Ishita Sen

Harvard Business School

When Insurers Exit: Climate Losses, Fragile Insurers, and Mortgage Markets
Friday, February 21 Manuel Adelino

Duke University

The Heterogeneous Effects of Household Debt Relief
Friday, March 7 Michael Pokojovy

Old Dominion University

Intertemporal Optimal Portfolio Allocation under Regime Switching Using Artificial Neutral Networks
Friday, March 14 Vyacheslav (Slava) Fos

Carroll School of Management

Boston College

Local Monetary Policy
Friday, April 11 James Hilliard

Fox School of Business and Management

Friday, April 18 Simi Kedia

Rutgers University

Friday, April 25

BUSN 215


Alexandre Corhay

University of Toronto

Past Seminars

Fall 2024 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 215, from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, September 6

2:30 -4:00 pm

Ahmed Ahmed

Babson College

Foreign Institutional Investors, Monetary Policy, and Reaching for Yield
Friday, September 13 Jie (Jack) He

Terry College of Business

University of Georgia

(Don’t) Feed the Mouth that Bites: Trade Credit Spillover through Common Suppliers
Friday, September 20 Theis Jensen

Yale School of Management

Subjective Risk and Return
Wednesday, October 9

BUSN 321

10:30-12:00 pm

Evgeny Lyandres

Tel Avivi University

Does Market Efficiency Impact Capital Allocation Efficiency? The Case of Decentralized Exchanges
Friday, October 25 Xiang Zheng


How Does VC Activism Backfire in Startup Experimentation? 
Friday, November 1 Anya Mkrtchyan

Isenberg School of Management

Creativity without walls: The case of open innovation
Friday, November 15 Franz Hinzen

Tuck School of Business

Nonbank Market Power in Leveraged Lending

Spring 2024 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 202, from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, February 9 Lina Han

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Geopolitical Risk and Decoupling: Evidence from U.S. Export Controls
Friday, February 16 Suman Banerjee

Stevens Institute of Technology

Price Destabilizing Speculation: The Role of Strategic Limit Orders
Friday, March 1

BUSN 204

11:00 am-12:30 pm

Maya Haran

The Wharton School

University of Pennsylvania

Do parents save more for a daughter or a son? Evidence on gender favoritism from a child savings program
Friday, March 8 Shamma Alam

Dickinson College

The Effects of Expanding Female Economic Opportunities on Fertility: Casual Evidence from a Randomized Control Trail in Bangladesh
Friday, March 22


Xiang Zheng


Can Small Businesses Survive Chapter 11?
Friday, March 29 Yao Deng


Market Power, Technology Shocks and the Profitability Premium
Friday, April 5 Anup Agrawal

The University of Alabama

Disruptive Innovation and IPO Outcomes: Evidence from Machine Learning
Friday, April 19 Yang Song

University of Washington


Remeasuring Scale in Active Management
Friday, April 26 Lars-Alexander Kuehn

Carnegie Mellon University

Leverage Dynamics and Learning about Economic Crises

Fall 2023 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 203, from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, September 15 Anand Srinivasan

National University of Singapore

Operational Risk Management of Political Risk: Evidence from Customer Concentration
Friday. September 22  Assaf Eisdorfer

University of Connecticut

Competition Management in Corporate Filings
Friday, October 13 Ran Duchin

Boston College

Sustainability or Greenwashing: Evidence from the Asset Market for Industrial Pollution 
Friday, October 20 Reena Aggarwal

Georgetown University

Price Discovery from Offer Price to Opening Price of Initial Public Offerings
Friday, October 27 Xiang Zheng & Meng Gao

University of Connecticut

Friday, November 10 Edith Hotchkiss

Boston College

Firms’ Response to Credit Supply: Evidence from Upsized Corporate Bond Offerings
Friday, November 17 Chi-Yang Tsou

University of Manchester-UK

Pollution Abatement Investment under Financial Frictions and Policy Uncertainty



Spring 2023 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 203, from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, February 3 Jackson Lautier


On the Convergence of Credit Risk in Current Consumer Automobile Loans
Friday February 17 Yao Deng


Estimating and Testing Investment-based Asset Pricing Models
Friday, March 10 Samuel Antill

Harvard Business School

Consumer Choice and Corporate Bankruptcy 
Friday, March 24 Francesco D’Acunto

Georgetown University

How Costly Are Cultural Bisaes? Evidence from FinTech
Wednesday, April 5

BUSN 321

12:00-1:30 pm

Amir Rubin

Simon Fraser University

Sentiment Inequality, Relative Performance of Firms, and the Stock Market
Friday, April 21 Ioannis (Yianni) Floros

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Premium PIPEs: Why Do Investors Frequently Pay More than the Prevailing Market Price

Fall 2022 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 122, from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, September 9 Tom O’Brien Dollar Cost Averaging vs Optimal Buy-And-Hold In A Model With Equity Momentum, Reversion, And Mispricing
Friday, September 23


Daniel McMillen

University of Illinois Chicago

Assessment Persistence
Friday, October 7 Doctoral Students  

Doctoral Student Paper Presentations

Friday, October 14 Lukas Schmid

University of Southern California

Credit Market Equivalents and the Valuation of Private Firms
Friday, October 21 Dragana Cvijanovic


Opioid Crisis and Real Estate Prices
Friday, November 4 Kenneth Ahern

University of Southern California

The Conglomerate Network
Friday, November 11 Xiang Zheng


Do Fintech Shadow Banks Compete with Technological Advantages? Evidence from Mortgage Lending
Friday, November 18 Karen Smith

Brandeis University

Cross-Country Inflation Expectations Evidence of Heterogeneous & Synchronized ‘Mistakes”
Friday, December 9 Jin Xu

Virginia Tech

Does It Pay To Hire A Friend?

Spring 2022 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 203, from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, January 28


Winston Dou

The Wharton School

Feedback and Contagion Through Distressed Competition
Friday, February 11


Marco Sammon

Harvard Business School

Passive Ownership and Price Informativeness
Friday, March 25th

BUSN 112

Charles Hadlock

Michigan State University

Protecting Your Friends: The Role of Connections in Division Manager Careers
Friday, April 1

BUSN 112

Chi Zhang


Access to Patent Information and Technological Acquisitions: Evidence from the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program
Friday, April 8


Elena Simintzi

UNC Kenan-Flagler

Women in the Financial Sector
Friday, April 22

BUSN 112


Jarrad Harford

University of Washington

Political Attitudes, Partisanship, and Merger Activity
Friday, April 29

BUSN 112

11:00 -12:30

Danny Soques

University of North Carolina
Cameron School of Business

The 283 Days of Stock Returns After The 2016 Election

Fall 2021 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 203, from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, September 17 Zhiguo He Investing in Lending Technology: An Anatomy of Bank IT Spending
Friday, September 24 Jaideep Shenoy Corporate M&As and labor market concentration: Efficiency gains or power grabs?
Friday, October 1 Doctoral Student Papers
Friday, October 15


Jiacui Li Prices Are More Inelastic at More Aggregate Levels
Friday, November 5


Song Ma The Education-Innovation Gap
Friday, November 12 Patrick Gosselin The Distress Puzzle and Credit Forbearance
Friday, November 19 Nancy R. Xu Main Street’s Pain, Wall Street’s Gain

Spring 2021 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held online:  Fridays from 2:00-3:00 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, February 26 Heitor Almeida Do Short-Term Incentives Affect Long-Term Productivity?
Friday, March 5 Alex Edmans CEO Compensation: Evidence From the Field
1:30 – 2:30 pm
Friday, March 26 Chongyu Wang Face-to-face Interactions, Tenant Resilience, and Commercial Real Estate Performance
Friday, April 23 Stefano Giglio Test Assets and Weak Factors
11:00- 12:00 pm
Friday, May 7 Manuel Adelino Trade Credit and the Transmission of Unconventional Monetary Policy

Fall 2020 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held online:  Fridays from 2:00-3:00 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, September 18 Tong Yao Liquidity Characteristics of Market Anomalies and Institutional Trading
Friday, September 25 Kristine Hankins Corporate Responses to Stock Price Fragility
Friday, October 2 Student Paper Presentations
Friday, October 9 Daniel Weagly Firm Finances and the Spread of COVID-19: Evidence from Nursing Homes
Friday, November 6 Naci Mocan Racial Bias and In-group Bias in Virtual Reality Courtrooms
Friday, November 13 Dev Mishra CEO Private Firm Experience and Idiosyncratic Risk
Friday, November 20

11:00 am-12:00 pm

Gordon Philips Scope, Scale and Competition: The 21st Century Firm
Friday, December 4 Efdal Misirli Peer Momentum

Spring 2020 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 203, from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Tuesday, January 21


FNCE Conference Room 463

Yao Deng Extrapolative Expectations, Corporate Activities, and Asset Prices*
Thursday, January 23


FNCE Conference Room 463

Pingle Wang Demand for Information and Stock Returns: Evidence from EDGAR
Friday, January 24


FNCE Conference Room 463

Arkodipta Sarkar Policy Uncertainty, Multinational Firms, and Reallocation *
Monday, January 27


FNCE Conference Room 463

Ahmet Degerli Monetary Policy Exposure of Banks and Loan Contracting 
Wednesday, January 29


FNCE Conference Room 463

Meng Gao Get the Money Somehow: The Effect of Missing Performance Goals on Insider Trading
Thursday, January 30


FNCE Conference Room 463

Lei Ma Short Selling Risk and Hedge Fund Performance
Friday, January 31 Orly Sade Is One Plus One Always Two? Insuring Longevity Risk While Having Multiple Savings Accounts
Monday, February 3


FNCE Conference Room 463

Vitaly Meursault The Language of Earnings Announcements
Tuesday, February 4


FNCE Conference Room 463

Matteo Binfare The Real Effects of Operational Risk: Evidence from Data Breaches
Monday, February 10


FNCE Conference Room 463


Yijun Zhou To Fire of Not to Fire? The Role of Job Security in Asset Management
Wednesday, February 12


FNCE Conference Room 463

Byeong-Je An Voluntary Disclosure with Evolving News
Friday, March 13 Tong Yao Liquidity Characteristics of Market Anomalies and Institutional Trading 


Fall 2019 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held: Fridays in BUSN Room 203, from 2:00-3:30 pm


Date Presenter Paper
Friday, September 20

Tim Loughran

Notre Dame

Measuring Firm Complexity
Friday, September 27

Valeri Sokolovski

HEC – Montreal

Hedge Funds and Financial Intermediaries 
Friday, October 4

Finance Conf Room, 464

Finance Doctoral Student Papers  


Friday, October 11

Anh Tran

University of Connecticut

Barking Up The Wrong Tree: Return Chasing in Mutual Funds
Friday, October 18

Yud Izhakian

New York University

Ambiguity and Tradeoff Theory of Capital Structure 
Friday, November 8

Xian Gu


University of Pennsylvania

The Interbank Market Puzzle
Friday, November 15

Assaf Eisdorfer

University of Connecticut

Competition Links and Stock Returns
Friday, November 22

Ian Appel

Boston College

The Limits of Limited Liability: Evidence from Industrial Pollution

Spring 2019 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 203 from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Monday, February 4

2:00 – 3:30

FNCE Conference Room 463

Stephanie Johnson

Northwestern University

Mortgage Leverage and House Prices
Wednesday, February 6

9:00 – 10:30

FNCE Conference Room 463

Alexander van de Minne

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dealing with Unobserved Heterogeneity in Hedonic Price Models
Monday, February 11

2:00 – 3:30

FNCE Conference Room 463

Erasmo Giambona

Syracuse University

Stiffing the Creditor – The Effect of Asset Verifiability on Bankruptcy
Tuesday, February 12

2:00 – 3:30

FNCE Conference Room 463

Yannan (Lily) Shen

Clemson University

Information Value Of Property Description – A Machine Learning Approach
Friday, March 1 Costanza Meneghetti

West Virginia University

Efficient Governance, Inefficient Markets-Short Selling with Takeover Risk
Friday, March 15 Fousseni Chabi-Yo

University of Massachusetts – Amherst

Real-Time Distribution of Stochastic Discount Factors
Friday, March 29 Dogan Tirtiroglu

Ryerson University

Regulatory Competition and Cross-Fertilization in the US Banking Markets
Friday, April 5

1:30 – 3:00

Lauren Cohen – PhD Speaker Series

Harvard University

Buying the Verdict
Friday, April 26 David Bergman – OPIM

University of Connecticut

Optimization for Maximizing the Expected Value of Order Statistics

Fall 2018 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will be held:  Fridays in BUSN Room 203 from 2:00-3:30 pm

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, September 14 Michael Owyang

St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank

Nonlinearities, Smoothing and Countercyclical Monetary Policy
Friday, September 28 Hong Liu

Olin Business School – Washington University in St. Louis

Index Investing and Price Discovery
Friday, October 19 Ali Ozdagli

Boston Federal Reserve Bank

Interest Rates and Insurance Company Investment Behavior
 Friday, November 2  Hieu Phan

University of Massuchusetts-Lowell

Shareholder Litigation Rights and Capital Structure
Friday, November 9 Fei Xie

University of Delaware – Lerner College of Business and Economics

Directors-Older and Wiser, or Too Old to Govern
Friday, November 16 Naci Mocan (Cancelled)

Louisiana State University

Racial Bias and In-group Bias in Judicial Decisions-Evidence from Virtual Reality Courtrooms
Friday, November 30 Jules Van Binsbergen

University of Pennsylvania – Wharton School of Business

Risk Free Interest Rates

Spring 2018 Schedule

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, January 19 Yaacov Kopeliovich                    University of Connecticut Bitcoin-and-Cryptocurrencies

Cybercurrency PowerPoint

An Introduction to Bitcoin (Video Link)

Friday, February 2 Nagpurnanand Prabhala      University of Maryland  The Relationship Dilemma: Organizational Culture and the Adoption of Credit Scoring Technology in Indian Banking
Friday, February 16 Omesh Kini

Georgia State University

CEO Mobility, Performance-Turnover Sensitivity, and Compensation: Evidence from Non-Complete Agreements

Co-authored with Ryan WilliamsInference i and David Yin

 Friday, April  20  Stefano Giglio

Yale University

 Inference on Risk Premia in the Presence of Omitted Factors

Fall 2017 Schedule

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, September 8           12:30 – 2:00, OAK 337 Jessie Handbury                         University of Pennsylvania Urban Revival in America
Friday, September 15         2:30 – 4:00, BUSN 106 Erasmo Giambona       Syracuse University  Derivatives Supply and Corporate Hedging
Friday, October 6 First and Second year Finance Doctoral Students
Friday, October 13 Amir Rubin                         Simon Frasier University  Lured by Consensus: The Implications of Treating All Analysts as Equal
Monday, October 16        11 – 12:30, BUSN 214 Po Hsu                                 Hong Kong University The Oscar goes to…: Peer pressure, innovation competition, and takeovers
Friday, October 27 Clemens Sialm             University of Texas  CANCELLED
Friday, November 3 Jayant Kale             Northeastern University Debt, Bankruptcy Risk, and Corporate Tax Aggressiveness


Friday, November 10 Michelle Lowry                   Drexel University  Venturing Beyond the IPO: Financing of Newly Public Firms by Pre-IPO Investors
Friday, November 17 Carlos Alberto Castro

University of Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia)

 Measuring the Effectiveness of Volatility Auctions

Spring 2017 Schedule

Date Presenter Paper
Wednesday, January 25 Room 215 Daniel Rees
University of Colorado Denver
Was The First Public Health Campaign A Failure?
Friday, January 27 Charles Courtemanche
Georgia State University
Early Impacts of the Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance Coverage and Health-Related Outcomes in Medicaid Expansion and Non-Expansion States
Friday, Feburary 3 Padmaja Ayyagari
University of Iowa
Health Insurance and Early Retirement Plans: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act
Monday, Feburary 13       11 – 12:30, Room 215 Po Hsu                           University of Hong Kong Leviathan Inc. and Corporate Environmental Engagement
Thursday, March 22 Thomas Chemmanur       Boston College Venture Capital backing, Investor Attention, and Initial Public Offerings
Wednesday, March 29       2 – 3, Room 204  Lilian Ng                                 York University Supplier Short Selling and Customer News
Friday, March 31 Thomas O’Brien           University of Connecticut Estimating Cost of Equity: Global CAPM v International CAPM Around the World
Monday, April 3             1:15 – 2:15, Room 214 Yiming Qian                 University of Iowa Entrusted Loans: A Close Look at China’s Shadow Banking System
Friday, April 28 Paul Borochin                   University of Connecticut  The Effect of Institutional Ownership Types on Innovation and Competition
Friday, May 5 Donald Siegel                   Arizona State University Academic Entrepreneurship: The Roles of Organizational Justice, Championing, Education, Work-Life Balance and Identity

Fall 2016 Schedule

Date Presenter Paper
Thursday, September 15 Dan Greenwald
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Mortgage Credit Channel of Macroeconomic Transmission
Friday, September 23 Jonathan Lewellen
Dartmouth University
The Behavior of Aggregate Corporate Investment
Friday, September 30 Yiming Qian
University of Iowa
Homebiased Acquistions
Monday, October 3 Guy David
University of Pennsylvania
The Inner Workings of the Patient Centered Medical Home Model
Friday, November 11 Harley E. Ryan, Jr           Georgia State University The Influence of Learning and Bargaining on CEO-Chair Duality: Evidence from  Firms that Pass the Baton
Friday, December 2 Jie Yang                                 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Network Centrality of Customers and Suppliers

Fall 2015 Schedule

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, September 4 Paul Borochin
University of Connecticut
The Effects of Conference Call Content on Market Perceptions of Value Uncertainty and Firm Risk
Friday, September 11         3:30 – 5:00, Room 202 Dan Segal
Interdisciplinary Center, Israel
Do fiduciary duties to creditors reduce debt-covenant avoidance?
Friday, September 25 Charles Clarke
University of Connecticut
The Level, Slope and Curve Factor Model for Stocks
Friday, October 2 Kent Daniel                     Columbia University Momentum Crashes
Friday, October 9 Finance PhD
Student Presentations
Friday, October 23 Namho Kang
University of Connecticut
Private information and corporate earnings: Evidence from big data
Friday, November 13 Yaacov Kopeliovich
University of Connecticut
Can technical trading be profitable? Evidence from volatility markets

Spring 2014 Schedule

Date Presenter Paper
Monday, January 20 Yue Tang
University of Florida
Business Connections and Informed Trading of Mutual Fund Managers
Friday, January 24 Yunjeen Kim
University of Rochester
Bank Bailouts and Moral Hazard? Evidence from Banks’ Investment and Financing Decisions
Monday, January 27 Quan Wen
Asset Growth and Stock Market Returns: a Time-Series Analysis
Friday, January 31 Yuzhao Zhang
Oklahoma State
Free (Almost) Variance Insurance
Monday, February 3 Simon Huang
The Momentum Gap and Return Predictability
Wednesday, February 5 Yevgeniy Davydov
Temple University
Is CEO Education Linked With Risk Management Ability?
Friday, February 7 Stephen Billings
University of North Carolina
Agglomeration within an Urban Area
Wednesday, February 12 Chunyan Zhang
University of Wisconsin
Loss Reserve Errors, Income Smoothing and Firm Risk of Property and Casualty Insurance Companies
Thursday, February 13
11:00-12:15, Rm 321
Peng Liu
Sponsor-Underwriter Affiliation and the Performance of Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Friday, February 14
11:00-12:15, Rm 321
Jeffrey Cohen
University of Hartford
The Floor Area Ratio Gradient: New York City, 1890-2007
Tuesday, February 18 Joyce Lin
University of Wisconsin
The Interaction Between Risk Classification and Adverse Selection: Evidence from California’s Residential Earthquake Insurance Market
Friday, February 21 Stuart Rosenthal
Bubbles, Post-Crash Dynamics, and the Housing Market
Tuesday, February 25
11:00-12:15, Rm 463
Albert Saiz
Interest Rates and Fundamental Fluctuations in Home Values
Wednesday, March 5
Room 302
Jose Martinez
University of Oxford
Picking winners? Investment consultants’ recommendations of fund managers
Monday, March 10
Room 302
Shyam Venkatesan
Indiana University
Measuring the skill of the fund manager
Monday, April 14 John Campbell
Monetary Policy Drivers of Bond and Equity Risks

 Fall 2013 Schedule

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, September 20 Finance Doctoral Students
University of Connecticut
Friday, September 28 Sugato Chakravarty
Capacity Constraints and the Opening of New Hedge Funds
Friday, October 4
Room 202
Leonid Kogin
Technological Innovation: Winners and Losers*
Friday, October 25 Mine Ertugrul
Is it the Investment Bank or the Investment Banker? A Study of the Role of Investment Banker Human Capital in Acquisitions
Friday, November 8 Paul Borochin
University of Connecticut
Measuring the Full Value-Effect of an Event: The Healthcare Reform Act
Friday, December 6 Paul Borochin
University of Connecticut
Market-Based Measures of Financing Constraints

Spring 2013 Schedule

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, March 1 Nicholas Barberis
Yale University
Behavioral Finance
Tuesday, March 12
Oak Hall 337
Stuart Rosenthal
Syracuse University
Tax Avoidance & Business Location in a State Border Model
Friday, March 22
Board Room
Dmitriy Muravyev
Boston College
Execution Timing in Equity Options
Friday, April 5 Resul Cesur
University of Connecticut
Air Pollution and Infant Mortality: Evidence from the Expansion of Natural Gas Infrastructure
Friday, May 3 Walter Dolde
University of Connecticut
Management power, corporate performance, and over/underinvestment
Friday, May 17 Ali Ozdagli
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Distressed, but not risky: Reconciling the empirical relationship between financial distress, market-based risk indicators, and stock returns (and more)

Fall 2012 Schedule

Date Presenter Paper
Friday, October 5 Paul Borochin and Jim Sfiridis
University of Connecticut
Option Pricing Anomalies in Times of Financial Distress
Friday, October 12 Byoung-Hyoun Hwang
Purdue University
Which Anomalies Are More Popular? And Why?
Friday, November 2 Assaf Eisdorfer
University of Connecticut
Misvaluation and Return Anomalies in Distress Stocks
Monday, November 5
11:00-12:00, Rm 302
Quoc Nguyen
University of Illinois
Geographic Momentum
Monday, November 12
2:00-3:00, Rm 321
Namho Kang
Boston College
Predictability of aggregate and firm-level returns
Friday, November 16 Min Zhu
The World Bank
Financial Misstatements and Contracting in the Equity Market: Evidence from Seasoned Equity Offerings
Monday, November 19
11:00-12:00, Rm 321
Anya Mkrtchyan
Pennsylvania State University
The Effect of Director Expertise on Acquisition Performance
Monday, November 26
11:00-12:00, Rm 321
Yeejin Jang
Ohio State University
Does International Corporate Diversification Improve Access to Capital?