Dec12PhD Virtual Information Session6:00 PM
Virtual Infosessions are an ideal opportunity to learn first-hand about our highly regarded program and hear from admissions representatives.
Dec17PhD Virtual Information Session9:30 AM
Virtual Infosessions are an ideal opportunity to learn first-hand about our highly regarded program and hear from admissions representatives.
Jan9PhD Virtual Information Session6:00 PM
Virtual Infosessions are an ideal opportunity to learn first-hand about our highly regarded program and hear from admissions representatives.
Jan14PhD Virtual Information Session9:30 AM
Virtual Infosessions are an ideal opportunity to learn first-hand about our highly regarded program and hear from admissions representatives.
https://events.uconn.edu/live/json/v2/events/response_fields/location,summary/date_format/%25F%20%25j,%20%25Y/group/school of business/tag/finance/max/4/start_date/today/end_date/6 months/